General Format. Note: This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in October The equivalent resource for the older APA 6 style can be found here. Please use the example at the bottom of this page to cite the Purdue OWL in APA Reflective Practice. Reflection is an important part of evidence based practice in Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. The reflective process enables you to evaluate and change your practice based on most recent information - whether that comes from new research findings, new government or organisational policies, or new patient or client experiences Give the Specifications For A+ grade, the document needs to be composed according to guidelines. So, provide them to make your assignment accordingly. We will give you an instant quotation after that. Pay the Amount Based on your requirements, you will be asked to pay a moderate price. You can pay it through debit card, credit card, or internet banking and receive the payment confirmation on mail
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View our latest COVID updates. This resource is designed to assist you in completing your comparative report for iSAP assessment tasks, writing a report based on a case study.
For this task you are asked to:. systematically compare your Student Response with the Expert Response, and in the process, reflect upon and demonstrate your learning outcomes. By working through this resource, you will have an improved understanding of the reflective process required to complete this task. These reflective skills are transferable, and can be used when completing similar future assessments.
We writing a report based on a case study begin by exploring the reflective process and the thinking that needs to go into this task.
Reflection is an important part of evidence based practice in Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences. The reflective process enables you to evaluate and change your practice based on most recent information - whether that comes from new research findings, new government or organisational policies, or new patient or client experiences.
By reflecting on your experiences, you will improve your ability to think critically as a health professional Howard, The comparative report is not simply about comparing your student response to the expert response and pointing out what you missed. Instead, it is about considering why your response was different. This requires you to reflect on your health care practice, by considering how the differences you identify have deepened your understanding of the issues involved.
There are many ways in which reflection can be expressed in writing. One common method, writing a report based on a case study, known as Gibbs' Reflective Cycle Bassot,is to analyse and reflect on a situation, including your feelings, in five or six steps.
The following video is a good introduction to reflection using this approach. Click to play or view transcript. Another approach to reflection is the Driscoll Model Bassot, This approach requires you to answer three questions:. Now that you have an idea of what the reflective process looks like, let's consider how this applies to your task. The purpose of writing a report based on a case study comparative report is for you to use the comparison of your work with the expert example as a learning opportunity, writing a report based on a case study.
That means, writing a report based on a case study, focusing on the ways in which the expert example can change, challenge or reinforce your understanding of the issues involved. The instructions for your comparative report writing a report based on a case study you to break your reflection into three parts - comparison, reflection on learning, and implications for practice.
In this section, you are identifying the differences and similarities between your response and the expert response. However, it is not enough to identify the differences and similarities. You must also explain why you think these occur e. why is your response the same as the expert response, why is the expert response different?
In order to move beyond simple comparison, you need to consider what knowledge advantage the expert has - this could include experience in practice, wider reading of the research, or more advanced technical skills. However, simply stating the difference is due to increased experience is not enough. Consider what that experience is and how it adds to the expert report - do they have greater insight into the needs of the population?
Do they have a wider awareness of current treatment options? You might also identify something in your response that the expert has not considered. Consider what this omission might indicate - do you have a knowledge advantage over the expert? Is the research you have read more recent than that of the expert? This is an important consideration when engaging in evidence based practice. The focus of this section is how the expert response has impacted your understanding of issues within the scenario.
This follows on from the previous section - by identifying what additional knowledge the expert response contains, you are already beginning to identify what you can learn from the expert response. This section requires you to make this learning explicit. Again, writing a report based on a case study, it is not enough to identify what has changed, you also need to incorporate why and how your thinking has changed. To formulate your response, you will need to use the similarities and differences you have previously identified in this section.
You can focus on what each similarity and each difference taught you about the case. You can also use the learning objectives of the iSAP found on the second page of the case to help you identify what you learned from the expert response. You can do this by turning the objectives into questions. Here it is important to consider what you thought before you read the expert response.
You can then compare your previous thinking to your new understanding. Did the expert response reinforce what you already knew similarity? Did it challenge your assumptions or change your thinking difference? In the final section of your comparative report, you need to consider the implications of your new understanding of the case. This means that you need to use the learning you have identified in the earlier sections as the focus of your reflection on your future practice.
How does your new understanding of the theory relate to your role as a health care professional? What issues might arise in the future related to the ideas in the case? What will you do differently now that you have undergone this learning writing a report based on a case study In order to consider the future implications, you need to imagine the context in which the learning may be relevant e. where is your health care practice taking place? Once you have a context, you can then picture the type of patient or client who might present, and consider the issues you would need to consider when treating that individual.
Read the student example. If the health care practitioner had paid careful attention to the medical file before the consultation, they would have seen that the patient identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
Instead of raising the potential of Thalassemia, they could have focused more on the issues relevant to the patient. In particular, they could have discussed the heartburn the patient mentioned, instead of dismissing the complaint with "OK, no medications.
Investigation into other causes, such as infection and cancer, should also have been pursued Australian Government Department of Health, As a result, the patient would have felt that the practitioner was actively listening and engaging with her concerns. The practitioner could also have directed the patient to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander support programs, such as Koori Maternity Services Victoria State Government, These services aim to provide a holistic approach to antenatal care, which has proven to be important for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women Kildea et al.
As such, these programs incorporate social, emotional, cultural and physical wellbeing of the patient. Finally, if the practitioner might have been aware of research which demonstrates that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a higher risk of prematurity and low birth weight Ford et al.
As such, they could have targeted their questions to risk factors. Australian Government Department of Health, writing a report based on a case study. Ford, E. Pregnancy risk factors associated with birthweight of infants born to Australian Aboriginal women in an urban setting - a retrospective cohort study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18 Kildea, S. Improving maternity services for Indigenous women in Australia: Moving from policy to practice.
MJA, 8 Victoria State Government. Aboriginal maternity services. While both highlight the need to take the heartburn complaint more seriously, the expert response includes a specific condition that is relevant to the patient to justify the concern. This is a key difference - the expert response discusses statistics around the pregnancy risks for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, which the student response fails to include.
Instead of discussing accessing ante-natal care, the student response focuses on the need for holistic care. The student response also refers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander support programs, but lacks the detail of the expert response.
a description of the expert example a summary of the differences between your response and the expert response a list everything you think and feel put together a series of complaints or criticisms.
Taking this on board as you writing a report based on a case study your reflections will also help you avoid the trap of talking only about your personal opinions or biases instead of truly reflecting. The overall structure of the comparative report is outlined for you in the task.
Within this structure, you need to include your description of the learning experience and your detailed analysis of your learning. Writing a report based on a case study you are writing about your learning and you might need to include a description of your emotional response to a situation or incident, you are still expected to write in a formal, objective manner, writing a report based on a case study.
You can use the first person to discuss how your thinking has changed, and as part of the comparison process, but you should focus on your analysis and the implications for your practice. The report has a word count limit. This means that you will need to be selective about the aspects of your learning that you include. We recommend that you select two or three key points of learning to focus on in your comparative report, rather than trying to cover everything.
A common challenge in reflective writing is finding a balance between description and analysis. While description is important to set the context and "describe" the situation and evidence, you will also need to demonstrate your ability to analyse it, for example by identifying a pattern of behaviour or a medical condition, or by connecting aspects of the scenario to your professional knowledge.
You need to keep your description brief and relevant. Click again to hide the comment. One of the key differences between my response and the expert response is the focus on heartburn. While I considered the implications of heartburn, I looked only at the standard concerns when a patient presents with those symptoms, using the Australian Government guidelines. The expert response, however, focused on the issue of heartburn for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are pregnant.
That is, they noted that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a higher risk of chronic Helicobacter pylori infection. Problem This description is too long. It would be better if this was more concise. The expert response also included a wider range of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander support services.
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General Format. Note: This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in October The equivalent resource for the older APA 6 style can be found here. Please use the example at the bottom of this page to cite the Purdue OWL in APA Give the Specifications For A+ grade, the document needs to be composed according to guidelines. So, provide them to make your assignment accordingly. We will give you an instant quotation after that. Pay the Amount Based on your requirements, you will be asked to pay a moderate price. You can pay it through debit card, credit card, or internet banking and receive the payment confirmation on mail Thus, our title should contain the phrase “case study,” “case report” or “case series” as is appropriate to the contents. The two most common formats of titles are nominal and compound. A nominal title is a single phrase, for example “A case study of hypertension which responded to spinal manipulation.”
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