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Internet Service Provider Research Papers -
The table is representing the age groups of the participants who were questioned on the online retail shopping experience. A sample of people was selected from different age groups that represent the ideal population perfectly. The table is exhibiting clearly that most of the people The cumulative percent column is representing the progression of the sample size along with different age groups.
The younger people had a contribution of 4. Research paper on broadband services the considered demographic variables gender was one of the significant variables.
It was observed from a different study on consumer behaviors that men and women showed completely different purchasing behaviors while they were making buying decisions. The table is representing the gender data of the selected sample participants. Different research data revealed that in most of the countries women were the significant contributors in the online market.
Women bought more products online than men did, and the buying pattern of both genders seemed to be quite different. The study was conducted on women who represented On the contrary, male respondents were observed in the selected sample population which was In brief, it can be said the respondent sample was male dominant.
The table is representing an approximate annual income level of different participants in the survey. Very few respondents had little or no online shopping experience 1, research paper on broadband services. In brief, around half of the population can be considered as regular online shoppers who were buying their necessary products on the internet.
The table is representing a statistic of the average daily internet usage of the respondents. Data showed that on an average a person used internet for 4. It was found from the observation that most of the people Among the respondents, there was a significant amount of people who can be considered as heavy internet users as they had reported an experience of using the internet for eight to fourteen hours a day.
As the heading suggests the following table is exhibiting nationality information of the people who participated in the survey of the study. The table showed that the majority Among the participants 5. To quantify the degree of influence of the product and service quality bought online on the repurchase intention of the buyers a survey was conducted on people sample. This section of the report presented the survey findings in details, the analysis incorporated a good number of mathematical models to examine the realizable impact of the quality of online purchased products and services on the decision-making process of a consumer.
The following section presented the answer to the first research question, it was asked to find out the most dominant ISRQ dimension that influence consumers ISRQ perception. The subsequent section presented the result of correlation between the customer perception and the repurchase intention. After that, an analysis result was presented to show quantitative impact of different subjective variables on the ISRQ perception of the consumers.
And finally, research paper on broadband services, a result of analysis was presented that examined the influence of identified subjective variables on the repurchase intention of the customers. It was already explicated in the previous chapters, that the effective identification of the customers perception changing variables was the key to run the mathematical model which could quantify the impact of those identified variables influence on the customers repurchase intention, research paper on broadband services.
The presented results in the following subsections would resourcefully clarify, research paper on broadband services, how the analysis of survey findings and study approaches were leading the research to the right direction to prove the underlying hypothesis of the study. In running a successful multivariate analysis in which research paper on broadband services are multiple dependent variables, the assumption of multivariate normality plays a significant role.
The use of multivariate analysis was very important for this particular research as the study was designed to identify a range of dynamic research paper on broadband services and the multivariate model was the best model to employ in a dynamic environment. It was found from a different study on the selection of appropriate analysis models, the multivariate models were mostly used for predicting qualitative variables.
The study was primarily focused on predicting the significant qualitative variables that had a proven impact on the repurchase decisions of the consumers who purchased products or services from available online stores. Complying with the research need the use of multivariate model was the best alternative. The test of normality in the multivariate analysis was very crucial as the effectivity of the model result was meaningfully depending on the normality of the model. Signifying the importance of normality assumptions of a statistical model Ghasemi and Zahediasl pointed that when the normality assumptions do not hold, research paper on broadband services, drawing an accurate and reliable conclusion about the reality becomes nearly impossible.
Although there were many alternative normality tests available, the Jerque-Bera test of normality was selected to check the normality of the data for this particular study due to its straightforward nature. Another important factor was, the test use skewness and kurtosis of the data to check the presence of attributes of normal distribution in the data.
The descriptive statistics of the normality data from the Jerque-Bera test showed that normality χ 2 of different ISRQ dimension showed a considerable variation. The six dimensions of performance variables exhibited a normality χ 2 from 1. Additionally, dimensions four of securities exhibited the result 4.
The computed variables scores were lower than the χ 2 highest acceptable critical table value 5. Data was suggesting that all the calculated values lowest, research paper on broadband services. And the result suggested not to reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, it was confirmed from the test of normality the multivariate model of the study held the assumptions of normality. This chapter of the report debates the findings of the study. In the previous chapter the results of the study were discussed in detail. The conclusion of the report was presented based on the brief outcomes of this chapter, research paper on broadband services.
The very first section of the chapter was started with a discussion on findings, in which all the major discoveries of the research were discussed comparing with the conclusions of similar studies which were reviewed earlier in this report. A conclusion is presented in the following chapter by incorporating the calculated result, argumentation on highlighted issues, and reviewing other pieces of literature. The conclusion of the study was presented in three different subsections which are the probable implications of the study findings, limitations of the research, and recommendations for the potential users of the study.
The outcome of the chapter could be considered as the ultimate output of the study which accomplishes the objective of the research.
The study was conducted to identify different variables that influenced consumer perceptions research paper on broadband services therefore had a substantial impact on the customers repurchase intention. This chapter of the study incorporated the research objectives and presented the outcomes of different research initiatives that were research paper on broadband services at achieving the desired research outcomes.
The following sections of the chapter were presented in different subsections in such a way that the outcomes of the research point toward a valid conclusion. The old Brick and Mortar model is replaced with the e-commerce business model due to the heavy development of information technology. The internet has become the medium of purchasing goods and services for many people who love to do shopping sitting in their home or their work place.
Due to the convenience, research paper on broadband services, the online shopping has been becoming popular throughout the world. People from all the economic classes are becoming busier and busier with their work and therefore are suffering from shortage of time. In response to the changes in working conditions online shopping offers less time-consuming facilities for shopping.
Along with gaining popularity, the online shopping had raised some concerns that were threatening the growth of this potential business model, research paper on broadband services. Therefore, anticipating the actual demand of online products and services and growth of the online business model is questionable.
The existing researches on the industries did not explain the variables that influence the buying behavior of the customers who have experienced online shopping, also it had become necessary to identify and examine the variables that influenced customers repurchase intention.
This study was conducted to shed light on this significant issue which could help improve the appeal of the online business model. To achieve the research objective a study was conducted on people who have online purchasing experience. The findings from the study are discussed in the following text. Among the security dimensions, people were more concerned about their personal information security as they had the fear that the retailer would sell their personal information to a marketing company.
According to Zhang, Deng, Wei, Deng perception of security risk acts as a factor of reducing the purchasing intentions of a customer, and, as they also mentioned in research paper on broadband services paper, the security risk in eCommerce exhibits negative outcomes on the online purchasing activities.
The findings of Zhang et al. Similar to the research result, Al Kailani and Kumar found that cultures where avoidance of uncertainty was greater, perceived risk related to online shopping was high in there as well and impacted the online buying negatively.
Interestingly, Dai, Forsythe, and Kwon found that product itself and financial risk had negative impact on the purchase intention of a customer but they found privacy risk perception was not related to the online buying intention. The finding of Dai et al.
Further researches on product category would help us understand the reason for which Dai et al. To sum up, it can be asserted that the personal security concern was one of the most influential variables that influenced the ISRQ perception and therefore the repurchasing intention of customers who bought online goods and services.
The analysis showed that the quality of information on the products and services could be considered as another important variable that had an impact on the customers quality perception. It implied that quality of information presented on the websites helped the customers to decide to purchase the service or products. Albarran agreed to the fact as his research reported that the website was the platform that customers used, to analyze the information on the services to make a purchase decision.
The study result showed a similar result, the quality of information provided for the customers helped them to make a purchase decision. However, the difference between the promised product or services and the actual product did harm the repurchase decision. Hence, the differences should be presented with proper information for the customers. Agreeing to the issue Crane and Matten concluded that the online retailers must meet the minimum level of customers research paper on broadband services in terms of customers quality expectation, otherwise it is the responsibility of the retailer to present information on their website about the difference between the displayed product and actual product, research paper on broadband services.
Gao, Zhang, Wang, and Ba conducted a research on the online purchase decision making in the context of unconscious thought and information quality. In their paper they concluded that with the unconscious thought high information quality had increased the buying intention and vice versa. They also mentioned that the result showed negative outcome when the offered products were known because in case of known products the thoughts were no longer unconscious thoughts.
To sum up, information quality presented by the customers was a considerable variable that influenced the customers repurchase intention. Gender, Age, and Income did not have any impact on the online retail quality perception, therefore these demographic variables proved to be insignificant in influencing the repurchase intention of a customer.
An independent sample t-test was done to measure the impact of gender on the ISRQ perception, an ANOVA test was done to quantify the impact of Age and Income on the ISRQ perception. The results of the test were suggesting that there was no significant influence of these demographic variables on the ISRQ perception of customers. Khalifa and Liup. On the contrary Amin, Rezaei, and Tavana found that gender differences had a significant impact on the online repurchase intention.
The finding of Amin, Rezaei, and Tavana was different from the finding of the study. Although there were some researchers who found demographic variables had an influence on the online shopping perception but many studies, including the findings of this study, found demographic variables such as age, gender, and income were not significant variables that influence repurchase intention, research paper on broadband services.
In order to find out the relation between the hours of internet usage per day and online shopping perception, and therefore the repurchase intention, the study measured the correlation between them. A further analysis on the internet study data see section 4. From the three clusters of internet usage it was observed, people tended to repurchase more frequently as their internet usage increased see section 4.
Moran explained in his article how people came to embrace technology where he had shown that the more a person used a new technology the more the person got adopted to it and therefore gained emotional satisfaction from the usage of technology. Research paper on broadband services to Moran research paper on broadband services study result was suggesting increased usage of the internet helped people adopting the technology, therefore, it increased the online shopping which created repurchase intention among the customers.
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