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Divorce and child custody research paper

Divorce and child custody research paper

divorce and child custody research paper

In all custody proceedings in New York, the main concern for the court in awarding custody is the “best interest of the child.”. The “best interest of the child” test means that the courts are required to balance the ability of each parent to meet the needs of the child or children. The court will determine child custody based on the Simply register online, pay the small fee, gather your papers and ready to get a divorce. 2. Answer the Questions: Answer each of the questions we will ask you and the forms will be completed for you. 3. File the Documents: Print our state approved completed forms, and file the divorce forms in the court. Why Choose for your online divorce? This sample Child Custody Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. Free research papers are not written by our writers, they are contributed by users, so we are not responsible for the content of this free sample paper. If you want to buy a high quality research paper on any topic at affordable price please use custom research paper writing services

Divorce and Child Custody - IResearchNet

Pages: 10 words · Style: APA · Bibliography Sources: 10 · File:. docx · Level: Master's · Divorce and child custody research paper Children. Download the perfectly formatted MS Word file! Traditionally, child support obligations were…. Pages: 3 words · Type: Essay · Bibliography Sources: 9.

Child Support Laws: History of Child Support Laws: The financial assistance paid by a non-custodial parent to a custodial parent for a child's care and welfare as ordered by the….

Pages: 10 words · Type: Essay · Bibliography Sources: Parent-Child Relationship Inventory The need for an effective assessment of parenting is evident in areas such as research, counseling, and child custody cases.

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is biased. they argue that states act…. Pages: 14 words · Type: Term Paper · Style: MLA · Bibliography Sources: 4. All Rights Reserved. Fathers and Child Custody the Other Parent Research Paper Pages: 10 words · Style: APA · Bibliography Sources: 10 · File:.

Fathers and Child Custody THE OTHER PARENT Earliest Trends: Paternal Custody, Tender Years Doctrine Download full paper NOW! More than a century ago, fathers were almost unilaterally awarded with the custody of their children in case of divorce McCormack, ; Maddox,Bird, Children were automatically viewed as a father's property.

This was the trend through the s until a divorce and child custody research paper thinking made the courts completely change focus in favor of the mother in the s. This thinking was the Tender Years Doctrine, which assumed that the mother was the primary caregiver of children, especially in the early years. She was, thus, viewed as the parent suited to continue the care on a daily basis until they grew up. This day-to-day care-giving was part of physical custody, which was properly the mother's role in the home.

Legal custody, on the other hand, was the father's role in making major decisions in the care of children without reference to their divorce and child custody research paper. Although the care of children was always perceived as a joint function, physical custody was equated with primary custody, which was the mother's. This led to the belief that children had to spend most of their time with the mother, especially in their early years.

This became the basis of decisions concerning child custody. Joint custody, however, did not mean that the children had to divide their time of residence evenly between their parents. Often, they ended up spending more time with one parent. This was the situation up to the 70s Bird, Maddox, McCormack.

From Tender Years Doctrine to the Best Interest Doctrine TOPIC: Research Paper on Fathers and Child Custody the Other Parent Assignment Two events refuted the correctness of the Tender Years Doctrine in many regions Maddox, One was the realization that the traditional gender-based concepts were erroneous. The other was the father's rights movement, which opposed the favoring of mothers in child custody cases and discrimination against fathers.

The new wave of thought urged that child custody laws should not automatically favor either parent. Rather, these laws should divorce and child custody research paper to serve the child's best interests. The parent who spent more time in the care of the child during the marriage is the primary caregiver. He or she is the better custodial parent after the divorce.

Following divorce and child custody research paper line of thinking, he primary aim of the court was to determine which parental relationship was more consistent and nurturing. Child custody laws now fall divorce and child custody research paper the four categories of child support, legal custody, physical custody, and visitation rights Maddox. As set forth in the Child Support Enforcement Act ofchild support is payment, computed from the amount needed in the care of children and the income of the non-custodial parent Maddox, ; Lawsonchildcustody, Legal custody is awarded to the parent who makes the major decisions on a child's life.

Physical custody goes to the parent with whom the child lives. Legal custody laws govern the choices of the legal guardian on education, medical treatment and religion. Physical custody laws can grant custody to one or both parents or jointly.

Visitation rights belong to the non-custodial parent in case of sole physical custody. The court arranges a schedule for visits, mutually agreed by the parents at their convenience. If the non-custodial parent has a record of abusive behavior, his or her visitation will be supervised. A court-approved adult, not the custodial parent, will have to be present during each visit Maddox, Lawsonchildcustody. Fathers' Apprehension Laws on child custody do not entirely disregard the possibility that the father may be the better parent Lawsonchildcustody, Fathers are often apprehensive that courts will favor mothers because of traditional gender roles.

Unmarried fathers have greater apprehensions. Their battle can, however, be won if they can prove to the court that their custody is in the best interest of the child Lawsonchildcustody. Sole Custody The parent who is granted this will make all the major decisions in the child's life Maddox, ; Lawsonchildcustody, He or she will provide shelter, food, health care, welfare and everything else needed to raise the child. The other parent can be completely taken out of the picture. That other parent will have nothing to do with anything concerning the child as he or she grows up.

In some cases, the judge finds it not in the child's interest for one parent to be in their lives. The lack of respect or civility between parents will entangle children in the middle, hence the grant of sole custody to only one of them Maddox, Lawsonchildcustody. Determining Best Interest The court taps the help of psychologistssocial workers, family court advisors and forensic experts to conduct investigations McCormack, These experts will scrutinize the child's living conditions, the current stability of his or her life, and the potential level of stability he or she is likely to have with either parent.

The court also uses a welfare checklist, containing the child's own preference, physical and emotional needs, divorce and child custody research paper, the likely effects of a change in his environment, harm or abuse he must have suffered from either parent, and the emotional and financial capability of both parents in taking care of the child McCormack, divorce and child custody research paper.

States focus on different aspects of the best interest doctrine while following the same guidelines McCormack, Some emphasize family integrity and avoid removing the child from his present home. Others place more value on health and safety of the child or look divorce and child custody research paper the basis of a timely decision so that the child is not left out for a long period of time.

When the parents are amicable, friendly or civil, the courts increasingly favor joint custody. They see it as in the child's best interest to continue receiving much parenting from both parents. If both parents reside in the same school district, the court is likely to decide that the child should evenly split his time between both parents.

If they continue to be nurturing and non-confrontational, this should be the best solution for everyone. At the end of the process, the court deliberates on the residence, divorce and child custody research paper, the amount of contact the non-custodial parent should have with the child and the amount of child support, divorce and child custody research paper, among other issues McCormack.

Effects of Two Residences on the Child Under this type of joint physical custody, the child spends equal amounts of time living with both parents' home Leon, Arrangement may be two weeks or a month in the mother's house and two weeks or a month in the father's house.

This may work well in some cases but may be very difficult in other cases, as a recent study showed. A recent comparative study of 33 cases of custody arrangements revealed that children in joint custody were more emotionally adjusted than children in sole custody, divorce and child custody research paper.

Those in joint custody arrangements had better emotional adjustment, family relationships, higher self-esteem, behavior and acceptance of the divorce than children in sole custody. Another study conducted on adolescents whose parents divorced found that those in dual residence arrangements were more comfortable in that arrangement than those living primarily with either parent.

When the parents were at odds or not civil, the adolescent child who spent comparable time with them were negatively affected by their conflict Leon. Factors and issues to consider in deciding whether to opt for a dual residence arrangement include the level of conflict between the parents, the child's level of adaptability to change and the child's age Leon, Parents need to communicate and cooperate under this arrangement if it must work.

Conflict will not make it work. Children who are flexible and adaptable will thrive under this arrangement. And preschool-age children may find it difficult to move to and from two homes. They may also find difficulty in maintaining close ties with a parent he does not see for some time McCormack. Rights of Fathers There are many advocates and many opponents of fathers' rights to child custody Rajeer, divorce and child custody research paper, Many fathers claim that they are equally capable of nurturing and providing for children.

Child custody is awarded to the parent who is better equipped for the care of a child. The U. More and more family courts are recognizing the nurturing capability of fathers and awarding them custody. New York State requires couples to file for custody while applying for divorce. Custody will be awarded to one parent under the Child Support Standards Act but both parents must support the child under 21 years of age.

Rules and regulations differ from State to State on the custody rights of each parent. The O'Donnell Lemont case in Oregon affirmed that divorce and child custody research paper parents must act in the best interest of the child. This presumption must be satisfied when the parents file for custody in applying for divorce.

The parents are thus given… [END OF PREVIEW]. READ MORE. Two Ordering Options:? Related Research Papers: Basis for Child Support Obligations Essay … ¶ … Child Support Obligations Generally speaking, child support law argues that the behavior of the parent or guardian makes them have child support obligations.

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Child Custody Research Paper – EssayEmpire

divorce and child custody research paper

Simply register online, pay the small fee, gather your papers and ready to get a divorce. 2. Answer the Questions: Answer each of the questions we will ask you and the forms will be completed for you. 3. File the Documents: Print our state approved completed forms, and file the divorce forms in the court. Why Choose for your online divorce? Prostate cancer term papers group process paper term papers. Custom article review writing for hire ca. Beloved toni morrison research paper paper child Divorce and research custody best bibliography putting your resume on craigslist difference between personal and impersonal essay write me best cover letter online. Sat essay examples list Aug 10,  · Custody. A Custody Order gives responsibility for the child's care and how the child is brought up to one or both of the child's parents or to someone else. There are two parts of custody: (1) legal custody and (2) physical custody. A New York court can make orders about the child's custody only until the child is 18 years old

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