Online Essay Help: A custom essay writing service that sells original assignment help services to students. We provide essay writing services, other custom assignment help services, and research materials for references purposes only. Students should ensure that they reference the materials obtained from our website appropriately Employment is the relationship between two parties, usually based on a contract where work is paid for, where one party, which may be a corporation, for profit, not-for-profit organization, co-operative or other entity is the employer and the other is the employee. Employees work in return for payment, which may be in the form of an hourly wage, by piecework or an annual salary, depending on Legal Profession I - LAW / 3 credits Begins with an introduction to the role of law in our society, the basic structure of our legal system, and the various professional roles that lawyers play in the justice system. With this background, the course integrates major units on critical reading, legal reasoning, legal research, and
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UD COVID A-Z index UD case dashboard Report your vaccination CDC COVID info. Credit Type A: Substantive, grading course A, B, C, etc Credit Type B: Exceptional, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory no credit is awarded for a grade of unsatisfactory Credit Type C: Credit, No Credit.
Administrative Law - LAW 3 credits An analysis of the processes by which administrative agencies of government seek to carry out the regulatory and social welfare tasks delegated to them by legislatures. The course examines the source and scope of administrative agency authority, the formal and informal powers and procedures used in the implementation of that authority, and the statutory and constitutional controls on the exercise of agency authority.
Credit Type A. ADR for the Litigator - LAW 3 credits This course provides a basic survey of methods of dispute resolution with an emphasis on representing clients in the pretrial setting. It will introduce students to a variety of ADR processes and concepts and critically analyze each to better understand its advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and limitations. Among the processes covered are arbitration, mediation, negotiation, and other methods of systematic dispute avoidance.
A significant portion of class time is devoted to the analysis of simulated performances. Ethical issues raised by various ADR methods will also be discussed.
Fulfills ADR requirement. Division essay expert labor profession system Type B. Adoption and Assisted Reproduction - LAW 2 credits This course will examine legal issues surrounding Adoption and Assisted Reproduction.
The course will introduce concepts of legal parenthood, the legal process of parental relinquishment and involuntary termination of parental rights. The course will discuss the difference between public and private adoptions as well as the use of equitable, adult and step-parent adoptions. It will also introduce various legal issues that arise in adoption, including, anonymity, open adoption, international adoption and adoption failures.
The course will also discuss legal issues arising in various non-coital methods of reproduction including, surrogate motherhood, donor insemination, egg donation, and IVF. Legal issues may include problems of post-mortem births and governmental benefits and inheritance rights, disposition of frozen embryos, the legality of surrogate motherhood agreements and donor anonymity.
Credit type A. The course will focus on the following skills, among others, with special emphasis on how to employ these skills in the context of the bar exam: writing about situations that involve multiple topics within substantive law; "issue-spotting" and avoiding irrelevant facts; breaking down factual analysis into parts; recognizing arguments on both sides of an issue; and accurately answering MBE-style multiple choice questions.
These skills will be taught in the context of four substantive legal areas Contracts, Criminal Law, Torts, and Real Property that will be customized according the needs and aptitudes of the class as a whole.
Prerequisites: Students with a cumulative grade point average below a 2. Antitrust Law - LAW 3 credits A study of the federal antitrust laws, including the Sherman, Clayton, and Robinson Patman Acts, and their amendments. Emphasis will be placed upon the use of antitrust laws in intellectual property disputes.
The emphasis in this course is on the construction of legal arguments using a problem- oriented approach which exposes the student to the adversary process, the role of lawyer as advocate, and written and oral advocacy skills at the trial and appellate levels. Fulfills upper-level writing requirement. Prerequisite: Legal Profession I and Legal Profession II. Credit Type C.
This course provides exam-taking techniques and strategies for answering questions in two bar exam formats: multiple choice and essay.
Students master selected substantive law topics on the national multi-state exam MBE and complete exam questions division essay expert labor profession system MBE and essay question formats.
Enrollment is limited to students in their final semester of law school. Areas of concentration include the law of agency; principles of partnership; the creation, organization, governance, financial structure, management, alteration, and dissolution of the corporate entity; and shareholder rights. Capstones These courses are intended to be the culmination of a student's academic experience, requiring students to integrate knowledge and skills obtained in earlier courses.
Capstones combine substantive knowledge of a practice area with a practical lawyering focus. Students can only take these courses in their fifth or sixth semester of study. Students starting Summer and after, a Capstone course is required.
Capstone: Advanced Dispute Resolution — LAW 3 or 4 credits This course concentrates on varying substantive areas in which alternative methods of dispute resolution are frequently employed, such as tort or commercial disputes. Each semester, the course will focus in depth on a particular substantive area of the law. One or more simulated cases will be used to provide the students with practical, hands-on experience with this type of dispute. Each student will be asked to represent a hypothetical client from the outset of a dispute.
At the discretion of the professor, students may also serve as neutrals. Areas of emphasis include negotiation, mediation, and arbitration processes. Capstone: Business Planning for the Small Business — LAW 3 or 4 credits Integration and application of corporate law, partnership law, tax law, and nonlegal business concepts in the organization, operation, and reorganization of various types of small business entities.
The use of limited liability companies will be emphasized. Students will be asked to represent a hypothetical client seeking to organize and operate a small business. Preparation and revision of various documents will be a central component of this course, with focus on drafting techniques. Prerequisite: Business Organizations. Capstone: Commercial Real Estate Transactions - LAW 3 or 4 credit hours This course examines legal and business issues common to commercial real estate transactions and utilizes a problem oriented approach with an emphasis on practice oriented skills, The course is comprised of four basic parts: acquisition, finance, construction, and leasing.
Each of the four parts will include written assignments as a means for the students to synthesize what they have learned and to apply this knowledge in a manner similar division essay expert labor profession system how attorneys operate when handling commercial real estate transactions. Prerequisite: Real Property II. Capstone: Criminal Advocacy — LAW 3 or 4 credits This course concentrates on varying topics in criminal law and procedure.
One or more simulated cases will be used to provide the students with practical, hands-on experience with this type of case. Each student will be asked to represent the government or the defendant from arrest through final disposition, including any sentencing procedure. Emphasis will be placed on the pretrial process, division essay expert labor profession system, including arraignments, grand jury proceedings, discovery, suppression hearings, and plea negotiations.
At division essay expert labor profession system option of the professor, students may be required to participate in two simulations, one in which he or she acts as division essay expert labor profession system and one in which he or she acts as defense counsel. In the lab portion of the course, law students will engage in intensive legal research and production of an in-depth paper relating to the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime.
Students will be developing professional skills of legal writing for non-lawyers, division essay expert labor profession system, including law enforcement personnel; collaboration with others involved in the investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes; and rigorous legal research and writing.
Under the guidance and division essay expert labor profession system of the professor, the students enrolled in the course would research discrete state law governing the following issues: i the investigation of cybercrimes, which would include computer search and seizure, electronic wiretapping and eavesdropping, transborder and network investigations; ii the prosecution of cybercrime, division essay expert labor profession system, which would focus on specialized cybercrime offenses like hacking and on how more generic offenses, such as theft, can be used to prosecute cybercriminals; and iii digital evidence, which would focus on how traditional evidentiary rules such as hearsay and the best evidence rule are applied to digital evidence.
Working with the professor, the students would use their research to create deskbooks or guides to state law on various issues, division essay expert labor profession system. The unique ethical considerations involved in representing the elderly will be presented throughout this course.
Students will be asked to represent a hypothetical client or clients. Preparation and revision of various documents will be a central component of this course with a focus on drafting techniques. Various ethical considerations as they relate to representing the elderly will be woven into the entire course.
Capstone: Family Law Practice — LAW 3 or 4 credits This course builds upon legal concepts mastered in the basic course in Family Law and provides students with an opportunity to explore, in depth, selected topics in domestic relations law and practice. The topics covered may include both theoretical and practical aspects of Family Law such as: attempts to structure the consequences of marriage and divorce by means of pre- and post-martial agreements; the parent-child relationship; the constitutional aspects of Family Law; Family Law litigation; and the unique ethical issues encountered in a Family Law practice.
Drafting various document clauses for instruments to implement clients' estate plans. Arrangements that will be studied include irrevocable trusts, powers of appointment for property management and powers of selected creditors' rights.
Capstone: Public Service Mock Trial — LAW - Experimental Fall 3 or 4 credits This course provides a dynamic introduction to advanced trial procedures and advocacy techniques for students interested in public service careers. It is intended to build upon the knowledge and skills obtained in Fundamentals of Evidence and Civil or Criminal Trial Practice. Throughout the semester, students will engage in in-class exercises to develop their skills in all aspects of trial advocacy, including developing a theory of the case, engaging in effective voir dire, crafting and presenting persuasive opening statements, conducting effective direct and cross examinations, properly introducing and objecting to evidence, and making compelling closing arguments.
The class will also include the drafting of a motion in limine as well as a pretrial statement, jury instructions, jury interrogatories, and a verdict form. Capstone: Social Justice Law - LAW - Experimental Spring 3 or 4 credits This course explores a variety of substantive areas related to poverty law, public interest law and social justice advocacy, such as fair housing, civil rights, environmental justice, and human rights.
The course will provide students an opportunity to focus on a particular legal issue impacting the rights of individuals and gain practical, hands-on experience with a range of solutions to important social equity issues. The course will also provide students opportunities to apply concept from a variety of courses - such as civil rights enforcement, critical race and feminist legal theory law, disability division essay expert labor profession system law, environmental law, natural resource law, business law, race, health disparities and the law, international human rights, race racism in American law, and remedies - to current issues in the Dayton community.
Further, students will be introduced to concepts of community lawyering and other legal practices to carry out public interest legal work and social justice advocacy. Capstone: Trademark Prosecution and Practice - LAW 3 or 4 credits This course involves the representation division essay expert labor profession system a hypothetical client who wishes to use, register, transfer and protect a trademark in conjunction with goods and services offered for sale in the marketplace.
Students will gain an understanding of application and registration requirements in the U. Preparation and revision of various documents will be a central component of this course. Prerequisite: Intellectual Property. A major portion of the course will examine those legal relations in the context of issues over which juvenile courts traditionally have jurisdiction: paternity, child abuse and neglect, juvenile delinquency and status offenses.
The course may also explore various common law, statutory or constitutional issues concerning the rights of and responsibilities for children such as: medical treatment for children, emancipation, the constitutional status of children in various contexts, or the property and contract rights of children.
A portion of the course will be devoted to skills development. First year. Civil Rights Enforcement - LAW 3 credits This course is about the legal remedies available for the enforcement of constitutional and other federal rights against government action and officials and important structural and legal issues implicated by such enforcement, including federalism and state sovereignty, federal court remedial power and related jurisdictional issues, and statutory interpretation and congressional power, division essay expert labor profession system.
Its primary focus is on civil rights statutory remedies available for private citizens to address state and local governmental action that infringes on their fundamental rights. There will also be some coverage of remedies against federal officials that arise directly from the constitution, remedies against private individuals for civil rights violations, and the power of the civil rights divisions of state and federal executive branches such as the Department of Justice to investigate and enforce remedial schemes against local governments and their officials.
Comparative Constitutional Law - LAW 2 credits In this course, students will learn concepts of constitutionalism, constitutions and constitutional law. This will include the most important institutions of the constitutional law such as human rights, systems of government, division essay expert labor profession system, judicial review, and the territory organization of modern states.
Conflict of Law - LAW 3 credits This course presents the law relating to transactions and lawsuits with elements in multiple states. The course will discuss these issues in the context of torts, contracts, property, family law, and procedure. Topics include: federal government powers; separation of powers; federalism; due process; equal protection and takings.
A portion of the course will be devoted to skills developments. Areas of concentration include: consideration, division essay expert labor profession system, remedies, and other related topics. Impact of the Uniform Commercial Code is also considered.
Areas of concentration include: capacity to contract, division essay expert labor profession system, assignment, performance, and other related topics. Copyright Law - LAW 3 credits This course introduces students to basic copyright principles and issues and explores the question of whether and how copyright law is likely to change in the future, particularly with the advent of new technologies, a developing knowledge-based economy and an environment of global commerce.
The course will survey the historical background, public policies and basic foundations of copyright law. Students will study the Copyright Act of and its amendments, the Digital Division essay expert labor profession system Copyright Act, international treaties, division essay expert labor profession system, transfers of rights, and infringement and its defenses.
The course will discuss these issues in the context of a variety of different industries or fields, such as the entertainment industry, visual arts and publishing, the computer industry, cyberspace and, to some degree, the interests of libraries.
How I got a First Class in EVERY Essay at University (Part 1) - The Best Essay Technique
, time: 19:45Course Descriptions : University of Dayton, Ohio

Online Essay Help: A custom essay writing service that sells original assignment help services to students. We provide essay writing services, other custom assignment help services, and research materials for references purposes only. Students should ensure that they reference the materials obtained from our website appropriately The course will examine National Labor Relations Board rules and procedures, federal court jurisdiction, labor arbitration, the rights of individual union members, and the increasing reach of NLRB rulings into non-unionized workforces. The course will also consider somewhat different issues of labor law and regulation in the public sector Mar 01, · The Diabetes Surgery Score system helps to predict these outcomes that consists of variables such as age, BMI, c-peptide levels and the duration of diabetes. The total score varies from 0–10, and patients with higher scores get better outcomes, including diabetes remission. 83 Those with a total score of 10, the chance of remission nears %
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