Hence, research topics on leadership and management consider the larger picture within the domain, [ ] Leadership and management often go together and as such dissertation topics in leadership and management correspond to both aspects. Although the characteristics are not necessarily the same- indeed, both correspond to different personality traits, yet they are complementary to each blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins leadership includes transformational leadership (4 dimensions), transactional leadership (2 dimensions) and one non-leadership factor, laissez-faire. Each of the four dimensions of transformational leadership were designed to capture the best qualities of leadership related to a The leadership style found in government is usually diverse in nature, with the chain of command being top-down and focused on bureaucracy. There are some leadership styles that can adversely impact or vastly improve workplace performance. This descriptive phenomenological study was used to understand employee perceptions of leadership stylesCited by: 2
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A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. Liza Chong Date: 15th of April Internal Supervisor: Mrs.
Moises da Costa Gomez in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Administration with a major in HRMCS Student Name: Shandy Capella Student ID : Date: 15th of April Graduation Project Committee Committee Members Name and Title Signature Graduation Project Supervisor: Mrs. Liza Chong, Major Director First Internal Member: [Monique Emelina-Pieter, MBA] Second Internal Member: [Angelo A, dissertation on leadership styles.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of leadership styles democratic, laissez-fair and autocratic on organizational performance and to find out whether dissertation on leadership styles is an effect of organizational commitment as a mediator to improve organizational performance in this organization.
This research examines three independent variables, which of the leadership styles, the dependent variable, dissertation on leadership styles, which organizational performance and the mediating variable, which organizational commitment. The research methodology that was used is a survey using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods by using questionnaires for the employees and an interview with the HR manager. A sampling size of 85 was chosen for this research, but only 75 questionnaires were dispatched to ACU Curaçao, and 69 employees filled them in.
Questionnaires were used as the research instrument. The IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS Statistics 23 was used to analyze dissertation on leadership styles interpret the results to test reliability, the Pearson Correlation test and linear regression.
The results of the research show that there is a slight significant relationship between the leadership styles and organizational performance and organizational commitment, dissertation on leadership styles. However, the results show that there is a high degree of performance and commitment, dissertation on leadership styles. Finally, the results also show that organizational commitment does not mediate the relationship of between leadership styles and organizational performance.
Therefore, HR can be described as a driver of competitive advantage that is incomparable. With that being said, managers are able to influence their subordinates which leads to more committed and satisfied employees, which in turn results into an increased productivity. In the past few years there has been a revolutionary change in the ways the leadership and its attitudes are defined, moving from more autocratic to a more participative approach, dissertation on leadership styles.
In the world of a global economy, people are becoming more eloquent and more educated; they require a participative environment and more inclusion in decision-making. The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of leadership styles democratic, laissez-faire and autocratic on organizational performance and to find out to find out if organizational commitment functions as a mediator by emphasizing the above-mentioned factors that will increase organizational performance.
Commitment is a phenomenon that is an internal dissertation on leadership styles that varies with each individual; it drives each person to express at the moment. In order to meet the needs of the highly competitive markets, organizations must continually increase their performance.
There have been many studies done about the role of leadership and its influence on organizational commitment and job performance. Thus, it is important to investigate the influence of the leadership role and how organizational commitment can be the mediator to enhance organizational performance.
For this dissertation on leadership styles, the importance of this study is to highlight the influence of leadership on organizational commitment and performance. Furthermore, presenting an implementation plan to improve the relationship between leaders and employees which will increase the commitment and result in high organizational dissertation on leadership styles. This research study will be conducted at the ACU Curaçao company located at Scharloo with a number of employees who work either as part-time or full-time.
ACU is a general credit union company. A credit based company that works with a team with a shared vision, consists of members that form a part of a particular group, belief, society or occupation.
The people that form part of a credit union company have the advantage to receive a great amount of yields on reserves, low tariffs on credits. These associations globally provide more than just monetary services.
The company provides its partners an opportunity to build monetary foundations in order to aid them to establish their own small business. Furthermost, each member has the chance to be part of a decisions making process for the board directors democratically. ACU is dedicated to promoting the welfare of its members by providing a quality of financial related products and services that meet the needs of its members and by offering permanent cooperative education and training in the broadest sense of the word.
The figure below shows the organizational structure of ACU Curaçao. Therefore, how to lead employees in ACU to improve the organizational performance becomes an important issue for an organization.
That is why this research will investigate the problem more in depth which will later reveal what the measures are that should be taken by the organization to improve the relationship between leaders and their subordinates to result in high organizational performance. To get a more in-depth view of the current situation the HR manager of ACU gave permission for the employees to fill in the questionnaires during working hours that will be used for this investigation, dissertation on leadership styles.
Also, the HR manager was willing to cooperate by answering a few questions via an interview. This was possible in this company because the management was willing to provide information from their HR database to be able to do this research. This dissertation on leadership styles was possible to conduct because of past experiences doing University projects, the HR manager has provided the important HR forms and the Collective Labor Agreement CAO and the HR manager was also very open when it came to in depth interviews.
The research purpose provides an exact, real, and attainable objective when doing an investigation. In order to have accurate results, answer the research question and sub-questions, the research objectives are described as follows: 1.
To determine the impact of independent variables, dependent variables and mediating variable. To determine the prominent leadership styles practiced. To determine dissertation on leadership styles influence of leadership styles on organizational performance. To determine the influence of leadership styles on organizational commitment.
To determine the mediating effect of organizational commitment on leadership styles and organizational performance. These assumptions show the way to the conclusions of the results and recommendations for the company.
It is also assumed that organizational commitment will mediate the relationship between the leadership behavior practiced in the company and organizational performance.
While conducting this analysis of this research study the focus will be on the leadership behavior practiced in so far as it enhances the organizational performance by measuring the degree of commitment the employees have in order to mediate this relationship.
In order to have accurate opinions of the employees, dissertation on leadership styles, the questions and statements are asked in a personal manner and also repeated in another way to ensure consistency, reliability and validity when indicating the degree of agreement or disagreement with the statements.
Some of the questionnaires had to be translated to Papiamentu upon request of the employees of ACU who do not have a sufficient level of English. Employees that were excluded from this research study are the other 25 employees. To conclude, the limitation of this study is that only 69 employees filled in the questionnaires of the 75 that were handed out.
Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter one is the introductory chapter which introduces the overall research project by presenting the research background; explaining the problems which occurred in the current context that prompted this research; setting research objectives to be achieved; and justifying the significance of this research, dissertation on leadership styles. This chapter provides an overview to readers to understand what the research is all about.
Information that is related to the research topic was studied and served as a reference to formulate the conceptual framework, research question and sub-questions.
The empirical study of other researchers also demonstrates the relationship between related variables, which was used to develop the research hypotheses.
Chapter 3: Methodology Chapter 3 provides the following: Participants, procedures, instruments, validity and reliability. This chapter is the guideline for the researcher to further accomplish this research. This chapter clearly explains the methods and techniques that the researcher used for data collection and analysis.
The processes of research from the selection of samples, gathering of data and methods to analyze data was based on the description of this chapter. The discussion will include some statements by other researchers to support the results. Concluding from that developed theory, leadership is an inner talent that an individual is born to lead. Since then, these theories stated how leadership unfolds and develops in small and big groups. The purpose of the situational theory is to know which are the leadership behaviors that resulted the best in specific situations.
In the excellence was developed. This theory is about which types of behaviors, ideal situations, group facilitation and traits are important for individuals to lead an organization with excellence. There are more areas that have another influence in the image of leadership. These are for example: historians, anthropologists and politics. Greenleaf, 2. Leadership does not only describe a person, a group of people that are highly positioned.
Leadership is a practice where leaders involve themselves in various events with the mindset to reach any attainable short-term and long-term goal. Hence, the success of an organization is dependent dissertation on leadership styles having a strong leader with the right competencies that has an effectual leadership behavior, dissertation on leadership styles. In all organizations leadership plays a very important role.
There are multiple ways to define leadership from a different point of view. Reach objectives through people: Many leaders do their outmost best to direct their teams or groups to achieve goals successfully event though success is never possible without the work of all teammates actively participating and working together.
Therefore, it is important to find an accurate description of leadership that includes a form of aid to others. Nowadays innovative leaders have advanced towards other ways and turned it into investing in their people to earn their trust, working with employees in a pleasant environment to attain objectives, dissertation on leadership styles.
In many organizations people talk more about different types of management instead of leadership styles, dissertation on leadership styles. This type of leadership is mostly about leading out position and introducing the informal leadership style. This means that a leader does not demand power in particular on individuals. Having control on the capacity of leadership: This leadership style refers to the person who excels in a team, club or group and has big influence in a team which automatically is considered to be the team leader, dissertation on leadership styles.
In other words, this leadership style is described that a leader is dominant over his people by obtaining a high position for an extended period. Therefore, it needs to be clear that all people should have a common agreement to fulfill all regulations.
Pathways DL-2 - Understanding Your Leadership Style
, time: 5:06
Mar 09, · A RESEARCH STUDY OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP COMPARING LEADERSHIP STYLES OF THE PRINCIPAL By Kathleen A. Luft February Dissertation supervised by James E. Henderson This study investigated the relationship between two elementary building administrators and their teaching faculty with regard to leadership styles of the principal leadership includes transformational leadership (4 dimensions), transactional leadership (2 dimensions) and one non-leadership factor, laissez-faire. Each of the four dimensions of transformational leadership were designed to capture the best qualities of leadership related to a Hence, research topics on leadership and management consider the larger picture within the domain, [ ] Leadership and management often go together and as such dissertation topics in leadership and management correspond to both aspects. Although the characteristics are not necessarily the same- indeed, both correspond to different personality traits, yet they are complementary to each blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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