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This page contains information for locating dissertations from institutions outside of North America. Holdings from Columbia University Libraries and New York Public Research Libraries NYPL supplement Bobst Library's holdings. To find catalogs of foreign dissertations in BobCat, conduct dissertation international keyword search using the terms "Academic dissertations" "Bibliography" and the name of the country or region of interest. NYU Bobst REF1 Z G47 vols. Gallen and Zhrich taken from Jahresverzeichnis der schweizerischen Hochschulschriften and the dissertations from the Öterreichische Bibliographie.
It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best with modern browsers such as the dissertation international versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. NYU Libraries Research Guides NYU Libraries Finding Dissertations International Resources Search this Guide Search. Finding Dissertations This dissertation international helps you locate NYU, U. Home Finding NYU Dissertations Finding Dissertations from Other Institutions International Resources.
Further International Resources This page contains information for locating dissertations from institutions outside of North America. International Resources Center for Research Libraries CRL. Foreign Doctoral Dissertations Database Approximately 20, dissertation international dissertations are cataloged in this database. However, CRL has more thanforeign dissertations.
Users may need to search the CRL Catalog or contact CRL to inquire about a specific dissertation international. Networked Digital Library of Dissertations and Theses Search across electronic dissertations and theses from multiple institutions. Guide to Theses and Dissertations by Michael M. Reynolds Call Number: NYU Bobst REF1: Z A1 R49 Australia Union List of Higher Degree Theses in Australian University Libraries.
Cumulative Edition to PRINT RESOURCE NYU Bobst: Z A79 U5 OFFSITE. Union Dissertation international of Higher Degree Theses in Australian University Libraries PRINT RESOURCE Supplement NYPL Austria Austrian Dissertations Database Present. Gesamtverzeichnis örreichischer Dissertationen. Öterreichische Bibliographie. Includes dissertation international author and keyword index. The foreword is in English. Canada Dissertation Abstracts Provides some full-text, dissertation international.
Indexes both Master's and Doctorate degrees. Entries include short note on the contents of the thesis. Includes an author and subject index. NYU Bobst: Z C2 O88 OFFSITE. Canadian graduate theses ; an annotated bibliography PRINT RESOURCE Covers economics, dissertation international, business and industrial relations NYU Bobst: Z C2 W6 OFFSITE. C2O OFFSITE NYPL Offsite:Columbia: Use Internet Explorer, NOT Firefox, to access this database. Denmark The Royal Library.
Dansk Bogfortegnelse national bibliography PRINT RESOURCE Lists current Danish publications in book form and in microform. Organized in two sections: 1 alphabetically by author and title, 2 by subject heading, dissertation international.
The preface is in English. NYPL: incomplete Columbia:,incomplete. Finland E-thesis University of Helsinki Dissertation international site contains doctoral dissertations and other publications from the University of Helsinki. All full-text publications are freely accessible via the Internet. Suomen kirjallisuus.
Finlands litteratur. Finnish National Bibliography PRINT RESOURCE Covers all books published in Finland. Organized in two sections: 1 alphabetically by title, 2 by subject heading. There is an index to the subject section. NYPL Offsite: France Inventaire des thèses de doctorat soutenues devant les universités françaises. Droit, sciences économiques, sciences de gestion, lettres, sciences humaines, théologies Organized by subject. Indexes "doctorat d'Etat, nouveau doctorat reg. Includes author and university indices.
NYU Bobst: Ref1 Z F69 I59 Catalogue des thèses de doctorat soutenues devant les universités françaises, PRINT RESOURCE NYPL Some Offsite :, dissertation international, lacks issues. Catalogue des thèses de doctorat soutenues devant les universités françaises. Maire, Albert: Répertoire alphabétique des thèses de doctorat ès lettres de universités françaises F79 M22 Mourier, Athénaïs Notice sur le doctorat és lettres, dissertation international, suivie du Catalogue et l'analyse des thées françaises et latines admises par les facultés des lettres depuisavec index et table alphabétique des docteurs' PRINT RESOURCE NYU Bobst: REF1 Z F79 M8 NYU Bobst: REF1 Z F79 M93 vols.
Annuaire des docteurs lettres de l'Université Dissertation international et des autres universités françaises. Bibliographie analytique des thèses PRINT RESOURCE NYU Bobst Main Collection: Z F79 A7. Bibliographie analytique dissertation international thèses de doctorat des universités de France, PRINT RESOURCE Organized in three sections: 1 by university and then alphabetically by author name; 2 by author; 3 by subject and then subdivided into three subcategories: author name, repérage and geographical terms.
Organized by subject. NYPL: Germany Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Deutsche Nationalbibliothek is Germany's national library and collects German theses in a comprehensive manner. Gesamtverzeichnis deutschsprachiger Hochschulschriften PRINT RESOURCE Covers German language dissertations from Germany Bundesrepublik and DDRAustria, Switzerland, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, dissertation international, Denmark, Finland, Great Britain, Hungary, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, dissertation international, Poland, Sweden, and the USA.
Organized alphabetically by author, dissertation international. Also includes a 20 volume Register that indexes each title keyword, which allows for a certain degree of subject retrieval. G4G47 40 vols. Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schrifttums. The dissertations are interfiled alphabetically by author with the other works: without dissertation international author name it is impossible to locate particular dissertations.
There is no subject access: for the period up to the Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen Hochschulschriften should be consulted.
Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schriftums, dissertation international. NYU Bobst Microform MF 13 fiches This catalog focuses on the totality of German language publications, including dissertations. The dissertations are interfiled alphabetically with the other works. Without the author name it is impossible to locate a particular dissertation. For the period from onward, subject access is possible by using Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen Hochschulschriften.
Includes subject and author indices. Jahresverzeichnis der an den deutschen Universitäten und Hochschulen erschienen Schriften. Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen Dissertation international. G39B5 Columbia: Organized by university, dissertation international, dissertation international alphabetically by author. Indexed by author and subject. Mundt, Hermann: Bio-bibliographisches Verzeichnis von Universitäts- u.
Hochschuldrucken Dissertationen : vom Ausgang des bis Ende des Jahrhunderts PRINT RESOURCE NYU Bobst Main Collection: Z M89 OFFSITE. Deutsche Nationalbibliographie und Bibliographie der im Ausland erschienenen deutschsprachigen Veröffentlichungen.
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