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Like the conclusion of any college essay, it has to summarize not the content of your findings, but their significance. It offers the lens with which you want your dissertation committee members to appreciate what they have just read. You want it to confirm their positive appraisal of your dissertation. Take a break after you finish writing the dissertation. Reaching the end of your dissertation completes a physically and emotionally daunting task that has enveloped the last several years of your graduate school life.
You need to step away from what you have written and think about something else for a few days. Even if you are on a tight deadline to submit your dissertation to your committee, put the laptop down and go watch a movie. It is important to clear your head. Make a list of the strongest assertions that your dissertation makes about its subject material. Consider how your dissertation addresses an dissertation implications for practice multimedia mathematics or problem in the scholarship in your field, dissertation implications for practice multimedia mathematics.
Remember the reasons that inspired you to study what your dissertation does. For example, if your dissertation assesses material that has thus far been ignored by scholarship in your field, your implications and conclusion summary should demonstrate why it deserves the attention.
Demonstrating how your new work fits neatly into the field here will help prepare you on the academic job market, where professors on hiring committees will ask you this question in a variety of different ways. Write the summary as if it is another chapter in you dissertation.
Rewrite any sentences that seem too similar or repeat quotes you have used there. Making the implications and conclusion summary different from the rest of a dissertation that has thoroughly examined its material can be a challenge.
The summary offers your committee the reasons why your work strongly contributes to the field. It looks at the implications that your work raises for others. Think of it as a receipt, or the proof of the purchase of your work, dissertation implications for practice multimedia mathematics.
Based in New York City, Seth Silberman has written and edited articles for various websites since His articles have been published in numerous books and scholarly journals as well as in "VIBE" magazine, "Paste" magazine, "Creative Loafing Atlanta" and "The Hartford Courant. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. See disclaimer. references 1 LearnerAssociates.
net: Writing and Presenting Your Thesis or Dissertation; S. Joseph Levine, Ph. About the Author Based dissertation implications for practice multimedia mathematics New York City, Seth Silberman has written and edited articles for various websites since Related Articles. Classroom About Contact Feedback Legal Accessibility Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Manage Preferences.
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