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Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. The purpose of this editorial is to distinguish between case reports and case studies. Case study methodology dissertation health, case reports are familiar ways of sharing case study methodology dissertation or efforts of intervening with single patients with previously unreported features. As a qualitative methodology, case study research encompasses a great deal more complexity than a typical case report and often incorporates multiple streams of data combined in creative ways.
The depth and richness of case study description helps readers understand the case and whether findings might be applicable beyond that setting. A previous editorial by Akers and Amos about improving case studies addresses issues that are more common to case reports; for example, not having a review of the literature or being anecdotal, not generalizable, and prone to various types of bias such as positive outcome bias [ 1 ].
However, case study research as a qualitative methodology is pursued for different purposes than generalizability. We believe that this will assist authors in describing and designating the methodological approach of their publications and help readers appreciate the rigor of well-executed case study research.
Case reports often provide a first exploration of a phenomenon or an opportunity for a first publication by a trainee in the health professions.
In health care, case reports are familiar ways of sharing events or efforts of intervening with single patients with previously unreported features. Entire journals have evolved to case study methodology dissertation case reports, which often rely case study methodology dissertation template structures with limited contextualization or discussion of previous cases.
Examples that are indexed in MEDLINE include the American Journal of Case Case study methodology dissertationBMJ Case Reports, Journal of Medical Case Reports, and Journal of Case study methodology dissertation Case Reports. Similar publications appear in veterinary medicine case study methodology dissertation are indexed in CAB Abstracts, such as Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Record Case Reports. As a qualitative methodology, however, case study methodology dissertation, case study research encompasses a great deal more complexity than a typical case report and often incorporates multiple streams of data combined in creative ways.
Delimitation is a term from qualitative research about setting boundaries to scope the research in a useful way rather than describing the narrow scope as a limitation, as often appears in a discussion section. The depth and richness of description helps readers understand the situation and whether findings from the case are applicable to their settings. Case study as a qualitative methodology is an exploration of a time- and space-bound phenomenon.
As qualitative research, case studies require much more from their authors who are acting as instruments within the inquiry process. In the case study methodology, a variety of methodological approaches may be employed to explain the complexity of the problem being studied [ 23 ].
Leading authors diverge in their definitions of case study, but a qualitative research text introduces case study as follows:. Case study research is defined as a qualitative approach in which the investigator explores a real-life, case study methodology dissertation, contemporary case study methodology dissertation system a case or multiple bound systems cases over time, through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information, and reports a case description and case themes.
The unit of analysis in the case study might be multiple cases a multisite study or a single case a within-site case study. Methodologists writing core texts on case study research include Yin [ 5 ], Stake [ 6 ], and Merriam [ 7 ].
The approaches of these three methodologists have been compared by Yazan, who focused on six areas of case study methodology dissertation epistemology beliefs about ways of knowingdefinition of cases, design of case studies, and gathering, case study methodology dissertation, analysis, and validation of data [ 8 ].
Case studies are ways to explain, describe, or explore phenomena, case study methodology dissertation. Comments from a quantitative perspective about case studies lacking rigor and generalizability fail to consider the purpose of the case study and how what is learned from a case study is put into practice. Case studies should also provide multiple sources of data, a case study database, and a clear chain of evidence among the questions asked, the data collected, and the conclusions drawn [ 5 ], case study methodology dissertation.
Sources of evidence for case studies include interviews, documentation, archival records, direct observations, participant-observation, case study methodology dissertation, and physical artifacts. One of the most important sources for data in qualitative case study case study methodology dissertation is the interview [ 23 ].
In addition to interviews, documents and archival records can be gathered to case study methodology dissertation and enhance the findings of the study.
To understand the phenomenon or the conditions that created it, direct observations can serve as another source of evidence and can be conducted throughout the study. These can include the use of formal and informal protocols as a participant inside the case or an external or passive observer outside of the case [ 5 ].
Lastly, physical artifacts can be observed and collected as a form of evidence. With these multiple potential sources of evidence, the study methodology includes gathering data, sense-making, and triangulating multiple streams of data. Figure 1 shows an example in which data used for the case started with a pilot study to provide additional context to guide more in-depth data collection and analysis with participants, case study methodology dissertation.
Case study methodology is evolving and regularly reinterpreted. Comparative or multiple case studies are used as a tool for synthesizing information across time and space to research the impact of policy and practice in various fields of social research [ 9 ].
Because case study methodology dissertation study research is in-depth and intensive, there have been efforts to simplify the method or select useful components of cases for focused analysis. Micro-case study is a term that is occasionally used to describe research on micro-level cases [ 10 ].
These are cases that occur in a brief time frame, occur in a confined setting, and are simple and straightforward in nature. A micro-level case describes a clear problem of interest. Reporting is very brief and about specific points. A micro-case write-up can be distinguished from a case report by its focus on briefly reporting specific features of a case or cases to analyze or learn from those features. Disciplines such as education, case study methodology dissertation, psychology, sociology, political science, and social work regularly publish rich case studies that are relevant to particular areas of health librarianship.
Case reports and case studies have been defined as publication types or subject terms by several databases that are relevant to librarian authors: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and ERIC. Case reports in MEDLINE and PsycINFO focus on clinical case documentation, case study methodology dissertation. Both CINAHL and ERIC acknowledge the depth of analysis in case study methodology. Also, a research method that involves an in-depth analysis of an individual, group, institution, or other social unit.
For material that contains a case study, search for document type: case study. We call your attention to a few examples published as case studies in health sciences librarianship to consider how their characteristics fit with the preceding definitions of case reports or case study research. All present some characteristics of case study research, but their treatment of the research questions, richness of description, case study methodology dissertation, and analytic strategies vary in depth and, therefore, diverge at some level from the qualitative case study research approach.
This divergence, particularly in richness of description and analysis, may have been constrained by the publication requirements. As one example, a case study by Janke and Rush documented a time- and context-bound collaboration involving a librarian and a nursing faculty member [ 15 ], case study methodology dissertation.
Three objectives were stated: 1 describing their experience of working together on an case study methodology dissertation research team, 2 evaluating the value of the librarian role from librarian and faculty member perspectives, and 3 relating findings to existing literature.
This reads like a case study that could have been enriched by including other types of data gathered from others engaging with this team to broaden the understanding of the collaboration. As another example, the description of the academic context is one of the most salient components of the case study written by Clairoux et al. The authors focus on sharing what the institution has done more than explaining why this institution is an case study methodology dissertation to explore a focused question or understand the phenomenon of library instruction.
However, like a case study, the analysis brings together several streams of data including course attendance, online material page views, and some discussion of results from surveys. This paper reads somewhat in between an institutional case report and a case study. The final example is a single author reporting on a personal experience of creating and executing the role of research informationist for a National Institutes of Health NIH —funded research team [ 17 ].
There is a thoughtful review of the informationist literature and detailed descriptions of the institutional context and the process of gaining access to and participating in the new role. However, the motivating question in the abstract does not seem to be fully addressed through analysis from either the reflective perspective of the author as the research participant or consideration of other streams of data from those involved case study methodology dissertation the informationist experience.
All of these publications are well written and useful for their intended audiences, but in general, they are much shorter and much less rich in depth than case studies published in social sciences research. It may be that the authors have been constrained by word counts or page limits.
Problem-focused or question-driven case study research would benefit from the space provided for Original Investigations that employ any type of quantitative or qualitative method of analysis. One of the best examples in the JMLA of an in-depth multiple case study that was authored by a librarian who published the findings from her doctoral dissertation case study methodology dissertation all the elements of a case study.
In eight pages, she provided a theoretical basis for the research question, a pilot study, and a multiple case design, including integrated data from interviews and focus groups [ 19 ]. We have distinguished between case reports and case studies primarily to assist librarians who are new to research and critical appraisal of case study methodology to recognize the features that authors use to describe and designate the methodological approaches of their publications.
For researchers who are new to case research methodology and are interested in learning more, Hancock and Algozzine provide a guide [ 20 ]. We hope that JMLA readers appreciate the rigor of well-executed case study research.
We also hope that authors feel encouraged case study methodology dissertation pursue submitting relevant case studies or case reports for future publication. National Center for Biotechnology InformationU. National Library of Medicine Rockville PikeBethesda MDUSA. NCBI Skip to main content Skip to navigation Resources How To About NCBI Accesskeys My NCBI Sign in to NCBI Sign Out.
PMC US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Search database PMC All Databases Assembly Biocollections BioProject BioSample BioSystems Books ClinVar Conserved Domains dbGaP dbVar Gene Genome GEO DataSets GEO Profiles GTR HomoloGene Identical Protein Groups MedGen MeSH NCBI Web Site NLM Catalog Nucleotide OMIM PMC PopSet Protein Protein Clusters Protein Family Models PubChem BioAssay PubChem Compound PubChem Substance PubMed SNP SRA Structure Taxonomy ToolKit ToolKitAll ToolKitBookgh Search term.
Journal List J Med Libr Assoc v. J Med Libr Assoc. Published online Jan 1. doi: PMCID: PMC Kristine M. liamg iplasirk. John Jamal EvansPhD North Carolina Community College System, Raleigh, NC, case study methodology dissertation, ude. segellocytinummoccn snavej. Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Received Oct 1; Accepted Oct 1. Copyright : ©Authors. Articles in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract The purpose of this editorial is to distinguish between case reports and case studies.
Leading authors diverge in their definitions of case study, but a qualitative research text introduces case study as follows: Case study research is defined as a qualitative approach in which the investigator explores a real-life, contemporary bounded system a case or multiple bound systems cases over time, through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information, and reports a case description and case themes.
Open in a separate window, case study methodology dissertation. Figure 1. DATABASE INDEXING OF CASE REPORTS AND CASE STUDIES Disciplines such as education, case study methodology dissertation, psychology, sociology, political science, and social work regularly publish rich case studies that are relevant to particular areas of health librarianship.
References 1. Akers KG, Amos K. Publishing case studies in health sciences librarianship [editorial] J Med Libr Assoc.
3.7 Research Strategy: Case Study
, time: 7:44Distinguishing case study as a research method from case reports as a publication type
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