Whether you need to write a personal account of why you want to become a nurse, an argumentative essay on college tuition costs, or a case study on cognitive behavioral therapy, find essays in every subject for every topic you need. Here is a list of our most popular essays for you to peruse Early Marriage Argumentative Essay. Early marriage has been a topic of contention amongst different quarters. Despite the fact that the world has made considerable strides in its move towards urbanization, some parts of the world have continually lagged behind and represent the areas where vices such as early marriages are rampant Dec 28, · An argumentative essay is one of the most popular types of college essay writing. Students must choose from a variety of argumentative essay topics and develop a structured argument. Yet, despite the fact that a single student writes at least a dozen of argumentative papers, many young people experience huge troubles with this kind of academic /5(34)
Early Marriage Argumentative Essay Free Sample | blogger.com
Early marriage has been a topic of contention amongst different quarters. Argumentative essay 123helpme the fact that the world has made considerable argumentative essay 123helpme in its move towards urbanization, some parts of argumentative essay 123helpme world have continually lagged behind and represent the areas where vices such as early marriages are rampant.
Notably, various quarters have advanced their arguments regarding this topic with opponents assertiing that early marriage denies the girl child education, economic emancipation and leads to early pregnancy, which can be dangerous in some instances. However, argumentative essay 123helpme, proponents have refuted the reasons advanced by proponents citing the fact that the girl can benefit economically and socially.
This is not entirely true since it has been estalished that it promotes levels of dependancy and also reduces survival chances of the girl and her offsprings. According to Hodgkinsonearly marriage should not be promoted as it denies the girl child a chance to be educated.
This stems from argumentative essay 123helpme fact that in some parts of the world, girls are married off at a tender age of 13 or 14 years. Notably, argumentative essay 123helpme, physical development does not also represent mental development because a successfully marriage requires that the couple assist each other emotionally and financially.
This means that when a girl is married off at a tender age, she cannot be in a position to make essential decisions on her own. Thus, she will end up being dependent on his husband, which will deny the family economic freedom. Additionally, education helps girls to learn life skills, argumentative essay 123helpme, which is essential for them to maintain their hygiene and of their family.
Need custom written paper? We'll write an essay from scratch according to your instructions! Call Now Start Chat Order Now. Lastly, Unicef campaigns against early marriage due to the problems associated with early pregancny. According to the organization, many girls in early marriages end up having unplanned pregancies. This is not advisbale since the children in such marriage end up suffering because of the lack of basic needs.
Another threat concerns the increased number of abortions, which leads to death or birth defects, argumentative essay 123helpme. Unicef has also recorded a high number of maternal mortality rates that result because of inexpensive labor, unsafe abortions or obstructed labor. Infertility can also result due to such ealry pregnancies.
Other complications associated with early pregnancies include giving birth to premature children, retarded fetal growth or complications such as low birth weight. However, proponents refute the points advanced above citing the fact that early marriage facilitates a girl to enjoy economic and financial prosperity, argumentative essay 123helpme. Sweetman proposes that women who come from poor backgrounds should not be restrained from early marriage. The author cites early marriage as one way that the girls can escape poverty.
Besides, argumentative essay 123helpme, the author cites the fact that a girl can get married to a family, which will facilitate her education through paying her school fees. Thus, the author opines that early marriage should not be considered as sentencing the girl child to a life of poverty.
In conclusion, early marriage elicits a lot of debate with different qurters availing their opinion regarding the issue. However, from this essay, it can be deducted that early marriage should be dealt away with completely because it denies the girl child education, leads to early pregancy and denies the girl child gender equality. These points seem to carry more weight than what the proponents advocate for as they suggest that early marriage is a way through which the argumentative essay 123helpme child can experience financial emancipation.
Arguably, argumentative essay 123helpme, people should desist from early marriages. Strugling with your essay? Ask professionals to help you! Start Chat. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. By continuing we'll assume you board with our cookie policy Login Live Chat. Back to main Essays page. Categories Annotated Bibliography Application Free Essays Argumentative Free Essays Article Review Samples Book Review Business Report Samples Capstone Project Samples Case Brief Free Sample Case Study Free Sample Cause and Effect Essays Classification Free Essays Comparative Free Essays Coursework Free Samples Definition Free Essays Descriptive Free Essays Film Review Samples Grant Proposal Samples Interview Paper Samples Lab Report Samples Marketing Plan Samples Memo Free Samples Narrative Free Essays Nursing Free Essays Outline Sample Persuasive Free Essays Poem Free Samples Questions and Answers Reaction Paper Samples Speech Free Samples Term Paper Samples.
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Early Marriage Argumentative Essay. Early marriage has been a topic of contention amongst different quarters. Despite the fact that the world has made considerable strides in its move towards urbanization, some parts of the world have continually lagged behind and represent the areas where vices such as early marriages are rampant HELPME™ BEST ESSAY HELP SERVICE WITH EXPERIENCED PHD WRITERS DELIVERED ORDERS 21 PROFESSIONAL WRITERS WRITERS ONLINE /5 AVERAGE QUALITY SCORE Order Paper Argumentative Essay Help An argumentative essay is one in which you take a specific stance on a topic that could be debatable and then provide evidence to support the Whether you need to write a personal account of why you want to become a nurse, an argumentative essay on college tuition costs, or a case study on cognitive behavioral therapy, find essays in every subject for every topic you need. Here is a list of our most popular essays for you to peruse
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